Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Harvest Book Club

In the interest of growing in our faith, several folks at Harvest have suggested we start a book club.

Despite my unswerving devotion to the works of C.S. Lewis (and my nagging habit of continually quoting him) there is a bit of a buzz about a new book by Jerry Bridges called "Respectable Sins." Look for the link to at the bottom of this post.

Here are the "rules" for the book club:
1) We'll try to make this kid-friendly. The Wii is a great kid-distraction.
2) We'll focus on getting together early in the evening, and eating together.
3) We'll do dinner "finger-food" or "covered dish" style, to keep the burden off of any one person (suggestions here?)
4) We'll pick our next book at our first meeting (suggestions?)
5) If we get 20 people into this... we'll find a better location.
6) You'll have a month to read the book.
7) We'll discuss the book after dinner.
8) There will be lots of good coffee.

More details as they occur to me.


Anonymous said...

Do you own this book? and if so can you bring it home? Thank you dear!

J.A. DiCarlo said...

this posting is pretty old. is it too late to join?