Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not Very Holy - But Prospering!

Apparently, I'm a big failure when compared to this guy (not the author, the guy he is talking about.)

Although it's nice to be listed among such prominent company.

(Thanks Chris!)

One of the guys mentioned, Mark Driscoll, preached a sermon on suffering from Philippians, where he compared the health and wealth gospel preached by a prominent promoter of that school of thought with a profound idea.

The prosperity gospel says you should be at peace financially (cash), physically (health), socially (family) and in every other area.

Yet... none of this applies to Jesus. He had to borrow a coin to make an illustration. He had to send Peter to fish to pay the temple tax. He had no place to lay his head, though foxes have holes and birds have nests. He was afflicted, often hungry, frequently tired and exhausted by the demands of ministry. Oh... and his family? They thought he was nuts. And everyone else? Remember the kind of prosperity he enjoyed: Rejection. Death.

None of this is to deny that there is indeed prosperity in the gospel. But of what kind? What quality? We have peace with God through the gospel. We have freedom from sin in the gospel. We have every spiritual (read: spiritual, not cash) blessing in him (eph 1:3).

That's real prosperity, the kind not affected by the price of milk or gasoline.


Mike Greiner said...

hey, how long until someone tells us we can lower the price of gas by positive confession?

Erik Myer said...

In response to your blog page. We watched this as a board the other night.