Monday, June 16, 2008

This the Power of the Cross

The organizers of the convention were sweet enough to invite this sister in Christ (and her awesome pipes) to minister to the messengers in song. Posting this both for your listening pleasure, to build you up in your faith, and in hopes that Steve will hear it and be 'inspired.'

Steve: hint hint! I love you man. Keep bringing the blessing of joyous worship to us.

I was at a pastor's conference in 2005 where a speaker mentioned that we need to become less psalmic in our praise of God, and more centered on New Testament worship. Psalmic worship has its place in our worship services: praising God for the blessings He heaps on us, for His goodness to all humanity, for His faithful provision throughout history. In truth, all humanity can worship Him for these blessings.

When the church assembles to worship, we are celebrating something very specific. We are rejoicing in the fact that though we are the worst of sinners, God has given us the most precious of gifts. He has purified us and given us the adoption of sons by virtue of the death of his beloved Son. We are able to stand in His presence because of Jesus, and the cross, and His blood and body broken for us. This is what we are called to praise God for.

I mentioned this in passing yesterday, but i'll mention it formally here. I am thankful for the leadership Steve and Tim bring to us each Sunday. We are blessed at Harvest with humble, Godly leadership in this area, aren't we? (Hint to all: You can say yes in the comments. If they get big heads, we'll blog on that.)

Enjoy the videos.

I'll verify, but I think that Mrs. Getty's husband wrote this song as well, with Stuart Townsend. Truly, these beleivers have been given to the church as a gift for edifying us through worship.


WorshipRelief said...

Thanks, pastor keith - I am humbled by this. And thanks also for sharing the videos, they are really inspiring. I think what hit me the most though, was what you said about the focus of our praise and worship and the good news that we should be proclaiming proudly. I certainly haven't written a lot of worship songs, but I have wanted to get back to this for some time. Your post provides a good compass, a measuring stick to being this journey again. Thanks, man - YOU are the blessing!

PastaKeith said...

I look forward to hearing the work from your pen and guitar.

Thanks for the compliment, but really... don't deflect. Accept the compliment with grace!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Praise for our Wonderful Lord and Savior!
We Stand Forgiven at the Cross! Jesus, Thank you!

(And I Agree, Steve and Tim are awesome!)

Unknown said...

Not sure why my first comment didn't post so if both my posts end up on there well then we will just call it "double encouragement" :)

Just wanted to concur that Steve and Tim are a tremendous blessing and awesomely talented men with beautiful hearts for God. God bless you guys in your faith & persistence.

As I told you earlier - loved the clips PK. I've listened to the Power of the Cross over and over again while working today :)


Rebecca F said...

These songs have such powerful messages. I get goose bumps and tears every time I hear In Christ Alone. "Bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave He rose again. And as he stands in victory, sins curse has lost its grip on me... No power of hell or scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand." (Our praise band has the music for this song.) And I agree...Steve, Tim, and now Emily...all great! Thanks, guys.