Friday, March 13, 2009

He Decides What It All Means.

A good friend just emailed me this video. This might scare some, but it fills me with a great sense of expectation. Knowledge is increasing, communication is increasing, and while that might mean uncertainty and market volatility, it means that the ability to communicate the Gospel in new and creative ways in increasing. We have greater ability to take a stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ now than ever before. We have greater ability to communicate with clarity and humility.

We ought to embrace technology, embrace humility, and communicate with passion and conviction, for the sake of those who have yet to hear, yet to decide, yet to believe.

After all, all things are created by Him, and for Him, and through Him.
He decides what it all means... he should get the glory. Let's us the future for what it is for: Him.

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